The goal of this handbook is to provide assistance to clubs, coaches and managers to ensure the Mid-Atlantic Premier League (MAPL) operates smoothly and is a positive experience for all involved – players, coaches, managers, club officials, referees, and parents.

When competing in MAPL, the club is responsible for overseeing their coaches, players, parents and club personnel – administratively, on and around the field. Each club is responsible for ensuring all club members understand and meet the following requirements and follow MAPL Rules and Code of Ethics.

  • Quality – Clubs and their teams must be committed to striving for excellence with respect to play, sportsmanship, fields, referees and the total soccer experience.

  • Director of Coaching – Clubs must have a named Director of Coaching listed on the MAPL website with a working email address. The Director must be familiar with each team in their club and the team’s involvement in the MAPL Programs.

  • Fields – Clubs should have at least one high-quality field (5-time slots) per eight teams. Teams traveling long distances deserve to play on decent fields! Teams may ask that they play all away games.

  • Referees – Clubs must have a current USSF certified Referee Assignor and enough current year USSF licensed referees available to cover all their teams entered in a competition.

  • Administrator – Clubs must have an administrator responsible for helping teams maintain their club and team information on the MAPL website. This person should have a working email address and be available to assist team managers with all administrative tasks.

  • Good Standing – Clubs must be in good standing with US Club Soccer and MAPL.